School Board

Clover School District Board of Trustees is made up of members of the community committed to excellence in education. The board meets formally once a month to discuss the district's business, needs and concerns.

The district board of trustees holds its regular meetings on the 4th Monday of each month. Please verify the meeting dates with the Clover School District calendar or contact 803-810-8000. The meetings are held at the district administration building at 604 Bethel Street in Clover. The board chairman may call special meetings as needed.

From time to time, the Board finds it necessary to reschedule a meeting. Changes in regular meeting dates are advertised in local newspapers and posted at the site. Individuals who would like to attend a school board meeting should call the district office the week before the published date to verify the time and date (803-810-8000).

The agenda for each meeting is posted both in this section and at the front of the meeting site by no later than the Friday afternoon preceding the meeting. District employees and members of the public are welcome to attend the meetings.

Time will be allotted at each regular board meeting to allow the public to address the board members on matters of concern. This time will be listed on the agenda as "public forum." Any individual desiring to speak must give his/her name, address, and the group, if any, that he/she represents. Citizens may sign in for "public forum" at each meeting. It is not necessary to contact the District Office in advance.

Board Members

Mike Ballard

Mike Ballard

Seat 1, Expires 2026

Email Mike Ballard

Matt Burris

Matt Burris

At-Large Seat, expires 2026

Email Matt Burris

Jessica Cody

Jessica Cody

Seat 3, Expires 2028

Email Jessica Cody

Kenda Cook

Kenda Cook

Seat 4, Expires 2028

Email Kenda Cook

Keron Meeks

Keron Meeks

Seat 2, Expires 2026

Email Keron Meeks

Tracy Stiff

Tracy Stiff

At-Large Seat, Expires 2028

Email Tracy Stiff

Rob Wallace

Rob Wallace

Seat 5, Expires 2026

Email Rob Wallace

Marlene Spencer

Marlene Spencer

School Board Clerk



Watch Board Meetings

Clover School District Board meetings are streamed live on YouTube.  

Click the link for a list of past meetings and upcoming meetings: WATCH HERE